Happy New Year Everyone!
Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed the winter break and are ready for a exciting new term.
Homework will continue as normal:
English Spellings
Master your Maths
This week Rachel's class are to complete Week 15 in their Master Your Maths book. Brian's class are to continue on following his instructions.
Reading: Readers will be given out tomorrow. Please read every night with your child. They do not have to read the whole book in one night, just a few pages. Please check for understanding by asking them questions on what they have read. Check for fluency and unknown words. By the end of the week your child should be able to read through their book at a reasonable pace without long pauses.
English Spellings:
Sound of the week 'Y'
If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact us.
Brian & Rachel
Seesaw Week 1
Hi all! We hope you got to enjoy the Easter break in some way at home and that you and your family are keeping well and safe. You...
Hi all! We hope you got to enjoy the Easter break in some way at home and that you and your family are keeping well and safe. You...
Please find the layout of the missing An Nuacht page below: Instead of printing out the page, you could just write out the small secti...
Hi all, This week is Literacy week in the school. There are a lots of activities planned with Sinead has informed you about. During th...